Nicki Kennedy Voiceworks - Voice Communication, Vocal Health, Singing Lessons and Choirs

The Choral Island Retreat Application Form

Summer Retreat 2023

The Choral Island Retreat Application Form

Summer Retreat 2023

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Nicki Kennedy Voiceworks - Voice Communication, Vocal Health, Singing Lessons and Choirs

Fine-tune your voice and performance so that you can communicate with a confidence and passion that makes your audience sit up and listen. Nicki Kennedy is an energetic and enthusiastic communicator. She is a skilled diagnostician with much knowledge and experience, which she uses with commitment and vitality to help executives, young professional and aspiring professional singers and youngsters to develop their vocal technique and performance skills. > Find out more

Vocal Habilitation Professional, Nicki Kennedy
Vocal Habilitation Professional, Nicki Kennedy

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